Delfi Cube banner can have up to 8 sides. To add sides to the cube, open Defli Cube banner in Adform studio. Under FILE BROWSER is a section ADDITIONAL ASSETS. There you can add, remove or change side images.
The images are in order. First image in Additional Assets list is the front panel image. The second one on the list is the right panel image. The fifth one on the list is again front panel image but visible only after a full rotation of the cube.
Open Delfi Cube banner template in Adform studio. Under BANNER SETTINGS is a section CLICTAGS. There you can add, remove or change clicktags. The first clicktag is the default clicktag that is used if a cube side cannot find the corresponding clicktag.
The following clicktags are used if you want to add a different clicktag on every side. Every clicktag after the first one must have key of clickTagSide1 where the number is for the corresponding side of the cube.